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I was fortunate enough to attend the NC State European Center in Prague in 2017, where I participated in a six-week long photography studio. I learned the basics of black and white photography, street photography, portraiture, still life photography, high-speed photography, and architectural photography. I shot and developed film, made a pinhole camera, created photograms, and made a cyanotype print. I also shot digitally in the studio using strobes and learned about studio lighting. 

Since then, I executed several studio photoshoots of raw meat, including case ready products and unpackaged cuts. During these shoots I set up the lighting, art directed the shoot, captured the shot, and completed post production touch ups. 

The photos I shot in use for an Open Prairie Natural* Meats advertisement.

"This is the best photograph of glass I have ever seen from a student."

Miroslav Vojtěchovský, Professor at NC State European Center in Prague

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